Get Reimbursement For Your Work-Related Expenses
In the course of your work year, you frequently incur expenses or losses related to your job duties. Though your employer is supposed to reimburse you for these, you find yourself paying most work-related expenses out of your own pocket.
JCL Law Firm, APC, can help you get your employer to reimburse you for work expenses. Led by an experienced and successful litigator, attorney Jean-Claude Lapuyade, we have recovered reimbursement for past expenses plus compensation for other damages for numerous clients in the San Diego area. In our decade-plus of practice, we have earned a reputation throughout the state as a successful and compassionate workers’ rights law firm.
Learn more about our case results.
What Counts As A Reimbursable Expense?
According to California Labor Code Section 2802, employers must indemnify, or repay, employees for any necessary expenditures or losses directly related to his or her job duties. Nearly anything can be a work-related expense, depending on the industry and the nature of the job. Common expenditures include:
- Gas, parking fees and toll booths
- Airfare
- Hotel rooms
- Phone bills
- Work supplies
- Car rentals
- Training or education
It is crucial that you keep track of your work-related payments. You can do this by documenting your expenses in a journal, keeping relevant ticket stubs or receipts and credit or debit statements.
If You Work From Home, You May Still Have Work Expenses
Since more and more employees are working from home, you may be wondering whether your employer should reimburse you for certain expenditures. Phone and internet bills, work supplies and other costs are eligible for reimbursement if they are necessary for your job. JCL Law Firm, APC, can examine your situation and determine which of your expenses, if any, qualify for indemnity.
Ask A Lawyer About Getting Reimbursement
You can contact JCL Law Firm, APC, to ask whether certain expenses qualify for reimbursement, how to recover compensation from your employer and whether you have a case for a lawsuit. To schedule a free initial consultation, call our office at 619-826-6975. You can also send us an email.