$350,000 Settlement

Case: San Diego Superior Court No. 37-2013-0005835
Client: Amanda Burns
Defendants: Confidential
Legal Theory: 28 Day Shuffle – Violation Civil Code Section 1940.1
Result: $350,000

The JCL Law Firm, APC obtained a $350,000 class action settlement against the owners and operators of a residential hotel in San Diego for unlawful housing practices. The unlawful housing practice commonly referred to as the “28 Day Shuffle” deprives long term residents of tenant rights by forcing tenants to check-out and re-register every 28 days in violation of California Civil Code section 1940.1. As part of the class action settlement, the JCL Law Firm, APC, obtained a $75,881.50 contribution to the Alpha Project. The Alpha Project provides permanent supportive housing to low income individuals and families. The Alpha Project’s clients have access to on-site support services to address needs such as mental health counseling, addiction counseling, enrolling in benefits, financial support and access to long-term treatment and other services. Having direct access to these kinds of services allows the Alpha Project’s clients to maintain their housing and become self–sufficient.


  • Unlawful Housing – 28 Day Shuffle in Stanton, CA 2/9/2018